Thursday, April 3, 2008

Great words A-J

Abacinate: To blind by putting a hot copper basin near someone's eyes.
Bletcherous: Regarding something poorly or disgustingly designed.
Charientism: An artfully veiled insult.
Dactylion: The tip of the middle finger.
Eccedentesiast: One who fakes a smile.
Fuscoferuginious: Having a dark rusty color
Gambriginous: Being full of beer ( useful word in Ireland??!)
Hadeharia: Constantly using the word 'Hell' while speaking. (who the hell uses this word?!)
Interfenestration: The space between two windows. (Again, I wonder why this word was even invented? Can you imagine a wife saying 'Can you hang that picture in the interfenestration, dear?'
Jentacular: Pertaining to bricfeasta (jentacular bowls?)

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